Monday, September 14, 2015

Comment Wall


  1. ha ha, I like your graphic for the comment wall, Jordan! I just wanted to alert you that for the labels, the is to do them separately, not together: "Reading Diary" is a label, and "Week 1" or "Week 2" "Week 3" and so on is a separate label. Doing it the way you are doing it now, you are going to end up with about a hundred labels by the time the semester is over, which will get really confusing, but you do the labels separately, you will have just a few labels to help people navigate your blog. It's easy to go back in and fix the labels so that they are working; just put a comma between the multiple labels
    Week 2, Storytelling
    Week 3, Storytelling
    and so on

  2. Hey Jordan! As part of the extra credit assignment we're supposed to comment on somebody's blog who we appreciated reading throughout the semester. Without a doubt, your blog was one of the most entertaining blogs I read. You always had very creative stories that inspired me to think more outside the box with approached to the storytelling. You're stories were always very easy to read and flowed very nicely. It was a real pleasure getting to follow your stories throughout the semester
