Tuesday, November 10, 2015

Week 12: Reading Diary A

  • Recap: Since Draupadi and her husbands have violated the terms of their condition they are now at war. However, Draupadi is looking to seek revenge due to embarrassment. 
  • Bheeshma dies by a bed of arrows 
  •   Karna is related to the Pandava brothers.  
  • There was a part where they mention something about the fates and how they can be cruel. Sins are those that you commit out of not knowing any better. 
  • Pg. 278 
  • For each chapter they broke it up into the 5 brothers. The brothers fought on different days. 
  • Ghatotkacha was the son of savage warrior Bheem. 
  • Ghatotkacha had died on default. He died after the trumpet had sounded for the end of the war. 
  • Drona knew that he couldn’t defeat the Pandava brothers by himself so he needed to get each one of them by themselves, in order to defeat them.  
  • Padma Vyuha is known to be the most indestructible army there is. This army can only be destroyed from the inside like a lotus flower.   
  • The only person that could defeat this type of army is Abhimanyu whom is the son of Arjun. 
  • Pg. 288-289 
  • Abhimanyu was not success and he died. 
  • Karna became the commander. 
  • I don’t know if Karna had something to do with the death of Abhimanyu but the text is making it seem like it.  
  • Arjun and Karna go to war against each other. 
  • Karna loses against Arjun. 
  • However, that is not the end of Karna. 

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