Sunday, November 1, 2015

Week 10: Famous Last Words

This week was kind of a hard week for me. I went to the emergency room last Sunday night and the doctor put me on bed rest for a muscle spasm on my back. Of course I did not listen and I attended class and work which added more stress to my back. In turn that made me go back to the emergency room.   

In other words this week some of my classes seemed to intertwine with each other. I had several readings for some of my classes this week. In my capstone class we had to read a book called Development as Freedom and my professor mentioned Malthus, which I thought was interesting because we talked about Malthus in my Environment and Sustainability class. For anyone that doesn’t know who Malthus is. He was a English polymath who believed that the earth would soon outgrow its resources such as food, water, and land. I thought that it was interesting because just the other day I was wondering what exactly I needed the ES class for and it then in my capstone class it made sense to me.  All of my classes intertwine with each other and feed off of each other.  

My best writing for this week would have to be for my Native American class. We got to write about the Oklahoma Fancy Dancers that came and performed for us on campus. I loved the event because I got to experience something out of the norm. We got to write about our experience at the event and what we learned from the event.  My favorite part of the event was when we got to participate in the Friendship dance with the Fancy Dancers. It was something that was completely out of my norm that was also a learning experience for myself. 

1 comment:

  1. Jordan, I absolutely love it when my classes intertwine with each other. One, it makes me feel like I’m actually learning something, and gives me a review of the material in different contexts. Two, if the teacher asks a question, I will know the answer and everyone will think I am the smartest person ever. Just kidding about that second one. Hope you start feeling better!
